School Visits
Radhika Sanghani loves visiting primary and secondary schools around the UK to give talks about her middle-grade books (The Girl Who Couldn’t Lie) and her YA book (Here To Slay)
More information - and testimonials - are below
Please email her if you’re interested in booking her for a school visit:
Testimonial from Helen Stein, Head of Library at James Allen’s Girls’ School
“It was one of our best author visits ever. Our Key Stage Three students really enjoyed Radhika's visit to JAGS. From her assembly talk to her creative writing workshops, the students were joyfully engaged in a range of curriculum-related activities based on The Girl Who Couldn't Lie.”
Testimonial from students Lyla and Lexi
“We started with an assembly from Radhika where she explained her personality and book. We enjoyed that it was interactive, engaging and inspiring. We followed with a creative writing workshop in the Lecture Theatre, which made us use our imaginations to create a story about a magical object and what it does. We had fun writing these stories and then sharing with the room. We had such a brilliant time with meeting Radhika Sanghani and enjoying the activities, we hope the next year of Year 7s will enjoy it as much as we did!”
Testimonial from Mrs C. L Livesey, school librarian at Alderley Edge School for Girls
“Radhika’s visit was inspiring, insightful, and engaging for both students and staff. The girls identified with Radhika as she told stories of her upbringing, career to date with advice on starting points and alternative career paths in the world of authors. There was a long queue of pupils desperate to chat to Radhika and get their book signed, after a fabulous Q&A session (which could have gone on for longer!) with a long queue of pupils desperate to chat to Radhika and get their book signed.
“Radhika has a warm and friendly personality and this shines through in her presentations. The pupils all left the hall buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm so thank you, Radhika. We are looking forward to our next visit with added creative writing sessions in the library.”
Testimonial from sixth former at Colchester County School for Girls
"It was wonderful to meet Radhika and learn more about her career - her talk was very insightful, light-hearted and relatable for many people. Personally, I really enjoyed listening to her speak about her life and the choices she made, as it has inspired me to seek new opportunities that I previously wouldn't have thought of, and it has made me less anxious at the prospect of deciding my own career.”
Testimonial from Year 8 student at Colchester County School for Girls
“I found meeting Radhika really inspiring. I've never met a real author before and she was much more exciting than I'd imagined an author to be. I thought authors just wrote books, Radhika does so many different jobs at the same time, I didn't know it was possible to do that.”
Testimonial from Year 7 student at Colchester County School for Girls
“I started The Girl Who Couldn’t Lie [after Radhika’s visit] and I've nearly finished it in 3 days. I've never read a book that quickly before. I think it's because I've met the author and know what she was thinking about when she wrote it.”
What you can expect:
‘Truth and Lies’ - a fun interactive presentation based on The Girl Who Couldn’t Lie, looking at Radhika’s inspiration for the book and what happened when she didn’t tell a single lie for two years (Years 5-8)
‘Here to Slay’ - an informative and fun presentation based on Here To Slay, looking at Radhika’s inspiration of the book and the myths of Hindu goddess Kali (years 8-10)
‘My life as a writer’ - a careers’ talk and presentation where Radhika shares all about her journey to become an author, journalist and screenwriter (years 9-13)
‘Create your own magical object’ - a creative writing workshop where Radhika guides students to come up with their own magical object and write a short story about it, inspired by The Girl Who Couldn’t Lie (years 5-8)
‘Slaying your demons’ - a creative writing workshop where Radhika guides students to imagine a demon and write a short story about slaying it, inspired by Here To Slay (years 8-10)
‘Bangle making’ - a fun arts and crafts session where Radhika makes bangles with students, inspired by The Girl Who Couldn’t Lie (years 5-8)